Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My Feedback on Video #4

Neil Gaiman's Advice for Young Writers

I really enjoyed what this author was talking about. As writers we need to read books. Many books. This world has many writers with different ideas and point of view of things. Many writers in the world have created stories and other writing pieces, but those stories say nothing (don't speak to you/ not interesting, or open your eyes in a different world). Gaiman spoke about writers needing to live. I agree with that. Live life as much as you can. Go through different experiences because it will bring the person that you are out. Go through different situations because those different situations create ideas. Those ideas create stories. Those stories are from your heart and they are true. You only have to do one thing as a writer. Just write and write about those experiences and your story will have something to say.

Comment what you have as a Bucket List for this year. (I am interested in hearing what you would like to experience and/or write about.

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