I need to get home
Well, you see, the other day I was at the Super-Market in a rush. You know, last minute shopping for this beautiful Thanksgiving dinner that my family had. There wasn't any problems with buying food, because food is great and it gives me nutrients. The problem was that there were more than seventy-five people throwing random foods in their carts and there were only five cashiers. Like are you kidding me? Not kidding. What a nice Manager, Shelly. I admire that on a Thanksgiving night, you have lots of lines being able to open, but only five workers tonight. Beautiful job done, woman. You deserve to be the employee of the month. You do, because these five cashiers are all working slower than my great, great, great and great grandmother that took more than half an hour to get from the church in the corner of the street to here.
I do not like (you know I would use hate, but I actually need to learn to be patient) waiting in long lines especially when I am in a rush or hungry or both. I’ve been to different places to buy things and some people are not as quick to be a cashier. Sometimes stores and markets have only a few people working at a time and that makes it difficult. Sometimes I see people waiting in line when there giving good stuff out and it seems hard to wait in a place in this cold and in line.
According to an old friend of mine, Kimmy, whom is currently a junior in another school hates to wait in line. Sometimes we remember the good old days in elementary school, but then she tells me that the only thing she dislikes was waiting in line for everything. If we went to the lunchroom, to the music room, to gym or any other room, “I wanna see a single file line”. Women this is not a military school. It was difficult to even walk in line with so many people. Especially when there are some slow walkers. Oh please don’t get me started with that. Let’s leave that for another day. Being in line and staying in line was hard for Miss Williams and I guess that for this generation it might be even worse.
The other day, I was at Wal-Mart with my cousin. We were waiting in line to pay for some candy, but then we began looking at those chocolate bars and potato chips that they put near the paying area to make you grab some and buy it. Yep. I got caught in it and I began searching for one that I wanted. The problem was that this lady comes and she goes with her cart past us and thinks that we are not waiting in line. “Um, Excuse me, Ma'am, we’ve been waiting in line already.” I looked at my cousin. “You’re looking at something and I gotta go home.” She rudely said. I have been waiting in that line for about five minutes and was going to be next after two more people. This lady was more impatient than me. Lady, we all want to get home, but we all have to wait, so you wait too. Those were the thoughts that I couldn't say out loud because I didn't want to get beat up by a 60-year-old looking woman.
Some people are rude and don’t really respect. They think they own the lines and want to cut. Waiting in line around people that act like they are doing something, but then eventually get in front of you, like if they are blind, gets me frustrated. That’s why, I have my two eyes look around, and to not let any of these impatients cut me when I want to go home. Waiting in line might take seconds, might take minutes, and sometimes hours. My advice is to never go hungry, go at least early just in case, and stay calm in line. The moral story is “There's a time to be patient and there's a time to be impatient.”
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