Sunday, February 21, 2016

Favorite Book/Story

    My favorite book is the Bible. It is a very precious book about many stories that have a message in them.  There are stories that are also similar to our lives because that is how the Lord speaks to us. The Bible also teaches you. Just as it says in 2 Timothy 3:16- "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." This meaning that it has power. God speaks to us through it and comforts us when we are sad. When we are mad, he tells us to calm down because he will fight our battles. When we are happy, he is the reason for our happiness. God has everything handled. He knows you even before you were in your mother's tummy. He knows the future. Sometimes we have plans on building and creating different things as we get older, but God's plan gets in the way. Do you know why? That is because he sees what we can not see. His thoughts are way higher than ours. That is because he knows what will happen. You might be going through a hard time, or in your mind you might be saying 'there is no God.' Right now, as you read this, I want to let you know that God is real and that without him none of us would not be here. The joy that you have wouldn't exist if it wasn't for His mercy and love.  God has mercy and love toward the humanity. Even if humanity is doing bad things and not obeying, the Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion.

    A favorite story of mine in the Bible is in the book of John, chapter 8. It speaks about a woman who had committed adultery. In Moses' Law, women who committed adultery had to be stoned to death. The pharisees and the scribes were always accusing people when they sinned, and they talked amongst themselves as if they were shocked, but were actually hypocrites and gossipers. That day, they put the woman in the middle of all of them and told Jesus that this woman had sinned. They spoke to try to make Jesus accuse her, but Jesus calmly wrote on the ground with his finger. They kept on asking and speaking about her. That made Jesus stand up and tell all of them that whoever was free from sin to be the first to throw rocks at her. Knowing that they were sinners, their conscience accused them, so they left from the oldest to the youngest and the only ones left where Jesus and the woman. Looking at the woman he asked her, Where are the ones that accused you? None of them condemned you? She replied with a "none of them" and Jesus told her to leave and not sin again.

    This story shows how people always try to accuse you when you do something wrong, but the Lord tells you that he is here to forgive all of your sins because he loves you. When the Lord forgives you, you have to leave the guilt behind because if you don't you will be feeling bad about yourself and there's no need for that when your sins are forgiven. God has mercy and love with those that he sees that are willing to not do the sin that they did again. As it says in the Bible in Luke 5:32 "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

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